The Farm Share Begins!

Greetings everyone. We are really excited to begin this year’s farm share and get fresh produce to all of our members. We have been having some really good harvests and markets these past few weeks and are ready to provide even more healthy food to more households. Starting Tuesday, June 9, members will go to their chosen pick up location and get their week’s share of vegetables. Tuesday’s pick up locations are SE Nehalem, Bikram Yoga West Linn and Happy Valley, Firehouse Restaurant, Pie Spot, Food Front Hillsdale and Thread’s Count. Thursday’s are Wilsonville Farmer’s Market, Cully Farmer’s Market at Old Salt Marketplace and Friday’s locations are Molalla Communications Coop, White Rabbit Bakery, Tabor Bread and Porltand Juice Company. All shares will be available after 4:00 pm until 7:00-8:30 depending on location. Juice Company pick up is earlier, from 3:00 to 5:00pm. Please check the Farm Share page to confirm times.

The shares will be packed in bins, all you need to do is take a bin home with you and bring back your empty bin the following week to exchange for a full one.

This week’s share will include kale, chard, collards, salad mix, kohlrabi, radishes, summer squash, scallions, cabbage and beets. We will be posting some recipe ideas soon in both the blog section and recipe section of the website. Please check the blog each week for farm updates and listings of what is included in each share. Any feedback can be sent to We would love to hear from you!